DNS or Domain Proper noun Arrangement is the decentralized naming arrangement that identifies computers, servers, and other resource that the internet can attain. Information technology basically helps identify your PC and traffic that comes in. Even so, you may experience some errors if your reckoner can't admission the DNS server.

If you are getting a "DNS Server Not Responding" error on your Windows eleven, don't panic. It is still a new organisation, and bugs tin can affect it from time to fourth dimension. But follow the fixes below, and you'll get your arrangement support in no time.

How to Fix DNS Server Non Responding Error on Windows eleven Computer

There are many reasons why y'all are getting this error. In well-nigh cases, your reckoner can't establish a connexion with the internet. Sometimes, Windows misidentifies network-related problems as DNS bug, while in some cases, it's caused by a third-party app interfering with your connection.

Whatever the reason, you can try the fixes below to solve the "DNS server not responding" error on Windows 11.

Important reminder: Before trying any fixes, make sure that you have a working internet connectedness. As mentioned, this is usually caused by network-related issues, so it's best to eliminate this crusade correct abroad. If you have bug with your internet, fix it first before going through all these steps.

1. Disable Third-Political party Antivirus

If you accept a 3rd-political party antivirus installed on your computer, similar Avast AVG, or McAfee, it might be the reason why you're receiving this mistake. Sometimes, it can interfere with your network and cause various errors such as DNS issues.

To check if this is causing the issue, temporarily turn off your third-party antivirus software and check if y'all still have a DNS server problem. If it works properly, the program is likely the cause, and yous should consider other ways to protect your computer.

You can either uninstall it completely and apply the Windows 11 built-in security program, Microsoft Defender, or wait for a new Windows xi update and see if information technology will fix this issue.

ii. Affluent Your DNS

This is the most popular way to fix near DNS problems, specially if it'south due to misconfigured settings in your device. Here'south how you tin flush and renew your DNS on Windows 11.

  1. Open Run by pressing and holding Win + R keys. Then, type cmd and printing Enter to open the Command Prompt.
  2. run cmd
    On the Command Prompt, type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter to execute the command.
  3. flush DNS
    Then, blazon ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter.
  4. register DNS
    After that, type ipconfig /release and striking Enter.
  5. release DNS
    Side by side, type ipconfig /renew and printing Enter.
  6. renew DNS
    Lastly, type netsh winsock reset and printing Enter.
  7. winsock reset
    Once you've typed in all the commands, restart your computer. This should fix the DNS fault caused by a misconfigured setting. If the issue persists, attempt the following fixes.

3. Change the DNS on Your Windows PC

In some cases, using your network provider'southward default DNS can cause bug to your organisation. If you haven't changed yours all the same, we recommend switching to a gratuitous DNS provider. Y'all tin can either change it from your router settings or your computer's network adapter setting. Hither are some of the costless DNS providers and addresses you tin can apply:

  • Google: | viii.8.iv.iv
  • OpenDNS Dwelling: |
  • Cloudflare: 1.1.1.ane | 1.0.0.one
  • AlternateDNS: 76.76.xix.19 |
  • AdGuard DNS: |
  • Quad9: ix.nine.9.9 |

Follow the instructions below to change your DNS setting on your Windows eleven computer:

  1. Press and agree Windows + I keys to open Settings.
  2. On the Settings app, click 'Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Hardware Properties.
  3. From the DNS server assignment, click Edit.
  4. DNS server assignment
    Under the Edit DNS settings department, choose Manual from the drop-down card.
  5. manual
    Depending on the DNS provider you choose, turn on the switch for IP4 or IPV6.
  6. IPV4 or IPV6
    Then, enter the Public DNS you chose nether the Preferred DNS section. Next, blazon in the address in the Alternate DNS department.
  7. preferred DNS
    If at that place's available encryption, select information technology from the option. Then, click Salve.
  8. encryption
    You now take a new DNS setting on your estimator. Check the error and meet if your organisation is working equally usual.

4. Update Drivers

If you desire to rapidly update the essential drivers of your computer, you can download and employ a complimentary driver updater for Windows. Nonetheless, if yous don't like installing other programs on your computer, you can manually update them using the Windows settings. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings by pressing and holding the Windows + I keys.
  2. And then, click Windows Update and then, click the Cheque for updates push.
  3. check for updates
    Lastly, install any updates available and restart your arrangement.
  4. One time your reckoner booted, check if yous're receiving the same error.

v. Kicking into Condom Fashion

If you're however experiencing the issue fifty-fifty after doing all the troubleshooting steps mentioned higher up, it'due south all-time to restart your PC in Condom mode. In Safe style, Windows will just run basic settings and \remove whatsoever settings that could cause the error. Hither's how you tin boot into Condom mode.

  1. Open the Start carte, and click the Ability icon.
  2. And then, press and hold the Shift key and click Restart.
  3. On Recovery Options, click Troubleshoot
  4. troubleshoot
    Then, click Advanced Options.
  5. advanced options
    On Advanced options, cull Startup Settings.
  6. startup settings
    Adjacent, press Restart.
  7. restart
    Adjacent, press v or F5 to restart your computer in Safe fashion with networking. This will also allow you to access the internet even on Safe style.
  8. safe mode networking
    Afterwards your PC reboots in Safe mode, test out your internet and see if the issue persists. If it doesn't, the DNS error you're facing is likely acquired past a third-party app or service you're using. Unfortunately, there'due south no automatic mode to determine which one is causing information technology. You lot take to manually uninstall or disable the app to check which is causing the issue.

A Ameliorate Windows 11 Experience

The "DNS Server Not Responding" fault tin can be frustrating and apropos, especially when you lot're trying to access important pages and settings on your Windows 11 system. At that place are several reasons y'all're experiencing this effect, but there is no demand to panic. You can hands solve the problem, even if you're non too technical.