
The most awaited time of the year is here! It is December, the time to celebrate and indulge in treats and sweets, family time and loads of gifts. With so much to be done, from baking and cooking to decoration and cleaning of the snow and host of other things that accompany a festive time, this is also the time for injuries and accidents. Certainly, not a pleasant thing to think about, nonetheless, unfortunate events do take place and physicians must be prepared for these incidents. Some common events that would call for a trip to the doctor are mentioned below with their corresponding ICD-10 code.

T63.79, the toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant – Mistletoe, holly berries are poisonous and having them as a part of your Christmas decorations is bound to result into some effect especially on children.

W11.XXXA, fall on and from the ladder, initial encounter- Putting up a Christmas tree and reaching out for the farthest, top most  branches to put the angel may result in a fall off the ladder. Wouldn't you then have to rush to a clinic?

W00.1, fall from stairs and steps due to ice and snow- Definitely one of the most plausible situations. Just when you are rushing out to quickly to buy a missing ingredient for your dish, preparing for a family dinner, you may simply miss out on the slippery stairway.

Y93.G3- Activity, Cooking, and Baking- Christmas is incomplete without baking cakes and cookies and cooking some exotic dishes. Gotten burnt with the oven or hurt with barbeque skewers, no worries, you will be coded.

X00.0XXA – Exposure to flames in uncontrolled fire in building or structure, initial encounter- Who wouldn't like real Christmas trees? They are beautiful; however, they make a great kindling too. In case of a fire, they are the first to ignite and as per reports, there have been deaths and a great loss to property.

S30.841A – External constriction of abdominal wall, initial encounter- This is for all those lovely dads' who would love to surprise their kids by sliding down the chimney. Although best befitting Santa who travels every year with a sack full of treats and goodies. Well, Santa, we have you covered here!

Let us know if you have any more situations/incidents with ICD-10 codes. Our coding experts will help you.

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Catering to more than 40 specialties, Medical Billers and Coders (MBC) is proficient in handling services that range from revenue cycle management to ICD-10 testing solutions. The main goal of our organization is to assist physicians looking for billers and coders, at the same time help billing specialists looking for jobs, reach the right place.